Friday, October 28, 2016

Blog week 9

The article I am using for this blog is not an article really but a Wikipedia page. I happened to see something on the internet about Jack Kevorkian and I thought it was very interesting. Jack Kevorkian is the guy who advocated physician assisted suicide. Many people did not like the idea of Mr. Kevorkian offering patients suffering terminal illnesses a painless way out. I don't really see a problem with it, I think it should definitely be an option for well, everybody really. The thanatron was his first way of euthanasia, by administering basically a lethal injection. The second which I find very interesting for its simplicity and ease of use, was called the mercitron. This device could be used by the patient themselves. Basically a gas mask hooked up to a bottle of carbon monoxide, you crack the valve, breath until you pass out, then die from lack of oxygen in your sleep. very painless, and humane. This article was very entertaining as well as educational for me, although very grim.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 7

Blog week 7. I am doing this blog on an article i read online titled Master the Muscle Up, written by Chris Giblin. I have been trying to do one of these muscle ups for years now. Simply do a pull up, over the bar and push yourself up into a tricep extension. Sounds pretty easy, looks really easy, not very easy in practice. I have only seen two people do this in person. Both were under 160 lbs, very fit people. The article is mostly an Educational piece to me, as well as Entertainment.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blog Week 8

I am doing my weekly blog on an article I saw on the New York Times. I will post the link at the end of this. So the article was called "We Should Take a Drug Test Before Debate, Donald Trump Says. Written by Nick Corasaniti. The article is about some weird things that Mr. Trump has said . Nothing really too surprising to be honest. In terms of 4 Es value, this article was Entertaining and somewhat Educational.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

blog week 6

Ross Loudermilk

The title of the article i picked is Driveway Diagnostics : Map Sensor by Christian Hazel. In the first paragraph the author engages the reader by asking them a direct question and using humor to drive the intro to the article. This is a very education based article. I chose this article because i was looking for other information about how to trick the powertrain control module. Although i did not find the information here it was still nice to freshen up on some things.